Adventurers trekking through wild country and harsh conditions require the best gear possible. So does your kid. Get them the 686 Frontier Insulated Bibs so they can complete their mountain mission. The 10K waterproof-breathable fabric will keep them dry and warm inside and out. Youth Evolution tech allows these bibs to grow longer as their stride does, so they'll be trudging powder with them on mission after mission.
Product Details
Face Fabric
2-Layer infiDRY® Fabric with DWR – 686 2-Layer infiDRY® fabric is perfect for daily use in a wide range of conditions. Specialty fabrics are laminated and bonded to a Polyurethane (PU) infiDRY® membrane on the underside of the fabric. For further protection, the laminated fabric is then applied on the exterior with a water resistant C6 environmentally friendly DWR finish to repel snow and water from penetrating the fabric. This creates a superior fabric with a one-way portal for moisture that is virtually impenetrable from the outside, yet allows your body’s sweat to evaporate and pass through the fabric from the inside out creating a more comfortable experience.
Waterproof & Breathable Membrane
infiDRY® 10K | 10K Waterproof / 10K Breathable – This membrane blocks water, snow, and wind from entering your garment, and is hydrophilic on the inside - attracting any moisture inside your jacket (sweat) and moving it through to the outside of the fabric where it is able to evaporate, thus keeping you both dry and warm.
infiLOFT™ Insulation | 120g – Circular-like filament groupings individually retain heat while having a very soft hand feel. The synthetic fibers have high moisture resistance, high warmth, and excellent loft. A great all around affordable insulation.
Modern Fit – Not too loose, not too slim, 686's Modern Fit leaves enough room to accommodate all riding style without sacrificing style.
Youth Evolution™ Multiple Sizing System in Legs
Adjustable Shoulder Straps
Upper Bib Pocket with Audio Outlet
Thigh Pockets
Double Layer Fabric Inner Kick Panel
Boot Gaiter with Boot Lace Hook
Critically Taped Bemis® Seams
Lift Ticket Eyelet on Belt Loop
500D Horseshoe Hem®
Side Stretch Panels